Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scott Pilgrim VS The World

I have been waiting for this show for ages. Firstly, I didn't realized that it was based by an American Manga comic published by Oni(I mostly read Marvel, DC, IDW and Dark Horse). Secondly, the teaser and trailer look awesomely cool.

The show is about Scott Pilgirm (Michael Cera) who met Ramona Flowers at a party after constantly seeing her in his dreams. But to date Ramona, Scott has to fight and defeat her 7 Evil Ex-es. Each ex has a unique ability that Scott has to cope with. Plus, Scott is still in a relation while dating Ramona.

The fights is like playing a video game. With the the life bar, onomatopoeia, life up, K.O. and this that you can find while playing games.

The humor is as great as the fighting scene. Corny as it may seems but still does the laugh.

Ratings: 4.5
Action plus comedy is awesome. The fights is like a video game and the movie is just hilarious.

Knight And Day

Knight And Day is an action comedy about a spy on the run, Roy Miller (Tom Cruise) who constantly bumped into June Havens (Cameron Diaz). The organisation Roy was running away from were wondering what was June connection with him.

The actions may not be that superb but the way Roy did it was just awesome with his cool and calm execution. The chemistry between Roy and June is quite lovable. Cameron Diaz is meant to play this quirky character like most of her other characters she played.

Ratings: 3
Great actions and comedy, and plus them together would be awesome.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore is a straight-up kids show which somehow older people will like it too. Well I liked it too.

A continuation of the first movie, we'll meet characters from the first movie. This time, DOG HQ recruits a police dog to catch the notorious Kitty Galore. But the cat agents from MEOWS, also are searching for her. Hence, they did what both animals would not do, a team-up.

Ratings: 3.5
The show is just damn adorable and the comedies are laughable or a good snigger.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To Train Your Dragon

I've watched this in the movie in 3D quite some time ago. But it's just great that I would love to watch it again, sadly in 2D this time.

The movie is about a teenage boy who live in a village that normally been raided by dragons. It became a tradition that the villagers will grow up to be a dragon slayer except for our teen hero, Hiccup.

He befriended the most feared dragon, Night Fury when he managed to down the dragon in a raid. Though he has to keep their friendship a secret.

Ratings: 3.5
Animations or kids show has to make the most fearsome creature a cute and adorable one, just like those Pokemons. But the relationship with human and dragon is just too damn adorable.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paranormal Activity

This show has been released about a year ago. I first watched it on flight back from Japan. Due to the small screen, I gave up because I can't see the details. And not because I was scared. So I managed to look up the show since PA2 was showing in the movies. Who knows I might watched it, so I have to refresh my mind on the first movie.

Paranormal Activity is about a couple Katie and Micah who are haunted at their home. Micah wanted to document the event by filming the events around their home.

The movie started supebly slow and the horror only starts at the 23min of the show. Expect some horrific experience from then on.

The tagline 'Don't See It Alone', you should heed the warning. And from what I've watched, I've seen 1 of 2 endings. This is the original ending feature in the movies and internet. The alternate ending is featured in DVD and BlueRay.

Ratings: 3.5
It's a 'found footage' movie just like Blair Witch but less of the motion sickness and more detailed footage. It's pretty scary to watch it alone too

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Toy Story 3

Toys will soon be discarded, given away or sold off when you outgrow them. Lucky for me, I still cherish my remaining toys even at this age.

Andy is going off to college and in dilemma to keep in the attic or donate away his toys. During that decision, his mother mistakenly took it and donate it to a daycare centre. All the toys loved their new home where they will constantly be played and has many new friends but Woody still thinks they belong to Andy, safely stored in the attic

But the whole daycare runs like a mafia ring. Their leader, Lots-O'-Huggin Bear runs the whole daycare operations and the toys were placed at the abusive childrens. It's up to Woody to bring the whole team back to Andy.

Ratings: 3.5
A very meaningful movie about toys on what you could do after you're done playing. Even to collectable toys. You should pass it on no matter what.

Karate Kid

I love the first three Karate Kid movies. And this time, the actions sets in Beijing. The lushious beauty of the country and the Great Wall of China intrigued me to visit the country.

The Karate Kid is about Dre Parker (Jayden Smith) and his mother relocating to Beijing to start a new life. Trying his best to fit in, he met into trouble with the towns bully, Cheng. In attempt to learn self defense, he met up with the building maintenance man, Mr Han(Jackie Chan) who reluctantly though him Kung Fu.

To prevent Dre from being bullied further, Mr Han went to meet Master Li, Cheng's master to stop his students from bullying the young boy. But instead, Mr Han and Dre were challenged to take part in the upcoming tournament, where Cheng and Dre will fight to settle the score.

Ratings: 4.5
It is as great as the 3 movies though they should rename it as Kung Fu Kid. Great fighting scene and cast. Cheng is protrayed like a true badass.

I Love You Phillip Morris

I Love You Phillip Morris is based on an actual real life event of Steven Jay Russell (Jim Carrey) who is con artist, imposter and multiple prison escapee. Steven is realized that he is a homosexual and falls in love with Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor).

Steven and Phillip were seperated during a transfer so Steven went to plot an escape and bring back the two together.

Ratings: 4.5
Love can really do wonders and you'll be amazed to what extend Jim Carrey's character will do to get back with Phillip.

The Men Who Stares at Goats

The Men Who Stares at Goats is a slapstick war comedy about a reporter, Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) investigating about the US military using physic powers.

Bob met up with Lyn Cassady (George Clooney) who was once in the special forces where the trained in as psychic spies or Jedi Warriors.

The show has it's intellectual element to it. You'll be wondering if the psychic element is for real or that the team Jedi Warriors are a bunch of retards.

Ratings: 3
The things people to do and believe when they have special powers. It's funny to see the characters training in maniacal ways to achieve empowerment in body and spirit

Cop Out

Two longtime partners, Jimmy and Paul (Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan) were suspended without after causing a disastrous shootout and beating a kid. Jimmy needed the pay to pay off her daughter's wedding.

Jimmy decided to sell of his prized baseball card but was stolen during a shop robbery. Getting his cards back led to another mishap connected to the case the got suspended from.

Ratings: 3
A funny cop buddy movie.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Who don't love movies by Robert Rodriguez. Ok, I don't really fancy his Spy Kids francise. His B-grades movies are just too darn awesome.

Machete is no one new in Rodriguez films. He was first featured in Spy Kids as the kids real uncle. Machete was also featured as a fake trailer in the Grindhouse movie, but soon to be released as a real movie.

In the movie, Machete was hired to assassinate a senator but was set up during the assassination. He is out for revenge to clear his name.

Eventhough Machete is a B-Grade movie, it boast with tons of great stars. There's Jessica Alba, Robert DeNiro, Steven Seagal, Lindsay Lohan and Michelle Rodriguez.

Ratings: 4
The show is packed with actions and gore. It's even packed with naked women too, Jessica Alba and Lindsay Lohan to name a few...


RED or Retired, Extremely Dangerous is a movie adaptation of Warren Ellis comic of the same name. As much as I love comics, I didn't know that such comics such as RED and The Losers. Comics adaptation movies are growing better by the day.

The show revolves around Frank Moses (Bruce Willis), a former black-ops CIA agent. Someone had placed an assassination on him so it's up to him to find out who and stop whomever it is. So he got help from his former allies and even enemies, whom mostly have aged.

Ratings: 4
I just loved comics adaptation movies, even those that I'm not sure off. The humor is great and some of the actions are awesome. And I find it amazing for the oldies to be up for actions. Check out Helen Mirren with army boots and a sniper rifle. Amazing I tell you.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shutter Island

I've always admired films by Martin Scorsese. It's mostly dark and gritty. Shutter Island is no different. The show is a psychological thriller which is quite slow plot development. But the impact is worthwhile.

US Marshall Edwards Daniels (Leo DiCaprio) was assigned to investigate the disappearance of a psychiatric facility on Shutter Island. He was assigned a new partner, Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo). The island is not what it seems, there are some cover-up going on the whole area.

The plot development grew intense as he dig deeper into the island mysteries. As it develops, you could put into pieces but might still fail at the end.

Ratings: 4
Good plot and partially expected ending as you put the puzzle pieces together. But it still may not seems what it is.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Land of the Lost

It's seems like a Will Farrell marathon for the past 2 days. But the guy can be funny.

Land of the Lost is based on a TV series of the same name. Rick Marshall (Farrell) is a paleontologist whom controvesial theories about time warp and paleontology is adored by graduate student Holly Cantrell. Holly convinced him to finish his tachyon amplifier and accidentally warped them to an alternate earth.

There's definately mishap with Will Farrell around, from primate-like man to Tyrannosaurus to giant mosquito and leeches, to lizard-like aliens, troubles will surround him.

Ratings: 3
Good laugh but with irritations. Just pure stupidity yet enjoyable.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Other Guys

The Other Guys is somewhat fresher to most Will Farrell's movie. It has this weird relationship with every characters throughout the movie. Though the weirdness is tolerable because it's hilarious.

Somehow the show is not what it seems. It took me a while to understand the plot of what's going on in the show due to all the weird stuffs. It's unexplanable, best to be watched.

Ratings: 4
It's weird and hilarious. A sure watch

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jonah Hex

As much as I love comics, I don't really follow all especially cowboy ones. Jonah Hex is a DC comic character based on the Post Civil War, hence a yee-haa cowboy kind of era.

Jonah Hex is a post civil war soldier who disobeyed orders from Quentin Turnbull which resulted the death of Turnbull son. In revenge, Turnbull destroyed Hex family and disfigured him. Hex survived the ordeal when a group of Native healed him and granted him with a power to temporary ressurect the dead by touch. An excellent way to interogate the dead.

So Hex found out that Turnball was still alive so he continue to avenge his family.

Ratings: 3
Interesting storyline and power, but I don't really enjoy western movies.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The A-Team

It has been awhile since my last movie, all due to work. But finally managed to catch up on a movie I've been dying to watch. I've known the 80's show A-Team about the van and Mr T. But the van is no longer a highlight of the show and Mr T reincarnation as BA Baracus was not much of a bad ass. Bummer. No wonder people wasn't fond of the movie.

But without Mr T and the G20 van, the show is still quite commendable. The characters of Hannibal Smith, Faceman and Murdock were portrayed sufficiently. However, the budget for actions were awesome. The actions and make-do weaponries are cool. Plot of the show, same as the show. A team of elite Rangers branded as war criminals for a crime they didn't commit. They managed to escape and tries to clear their names.

Ratings: 3.5
Good actions and good laugh. BA may not be much of a badass but the chemistry with Murdock is just too adorable.