Since the first movie, the star studded ensemble show brought great rhythm and beat with stunning combination of real and animation. Happy Feet Two brought back the return of both.
Similar cast of Elijah Wood, Robin Williams and Hugo Weaving return for the second time together with new voices of Hank Azaria, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and the sultriest Pink in her ballad best.
The musical score is as catchy as the first but the power voice of Pink stole the show. Great humors provided by Robin Williams with added unrelated zany segments by the krill duo Brad Pitt and Matt Damon works the charm.
Happy Feet Two touches on global warming which results in the melting of the ice caps. Part of the fallen icecaps blocked the surrounding penguins Emperor-Land and it's up to Mumble and his son to save the day. Simple storyline but heartwarming with great musical scores.
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